Ed's Big Plans

Computing for Science and Awesome

Archive for July, 2009

Monet Molecules c/o Autotrace

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A Monet Isopentenol c/o Autotrace

A Monet Isopentenol c/o Autotrace

Brief: Happy accidents make me happy– here’s isopentenol after grabbing it as an SDF out of PubChem, dumping it out into a PNG with Bioclipse, grayscaling it with GIMP— then converting it to an SVG with Autotrace (RO IT Systems)… It’s just pretty… like a Monet. Of course, I have to go back and make it look like a molecule again for a paper… but I’m going to admire the pretty little alcohol for a bit.

Eddie Ma

July 9th, 2009 at 2:56 pm

Posted in Featured,Technology