Ed's Big Plans

Computing for Science and Awesome

Archive for the ‘Rotational Symmetry’ tag

Protein Project Progress…

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Last week, Liz, Aron, Andrew, Brendan and I sat down to discuss the beta-trefoil project. It was a good chance for me to understand the methods used and the kinds of results we are interested in for my own TIM Barrel project.

Continuing on with the structural repeat problem, I’ll today be writing a short FSA parser that can handle DSSP or DSS output– simply, a very primitive machine will be used to imitate a human’s visual inspection of repeated secondary structural elements in given proteins. This is in line with the work I did manually staring at structures to get a grasp of how to look at protein models, and also in line with the objective to automate much of this work. Prior to that step, I reduced the probability of doing redundant work by using BLASTCLUST and selecting only a few known structures in each cluster to inspect… a sequence based alignment for each cluster will inform me of where my manually detected repeat boundaries map to the remaining sequences.

Oddity: If you BLASTCLUST all the “FULL” (not “SEED”) sets of TIM Barrel sequences for the entire fold from PFAM along with the sequences of known TIM Barrel fold structures of SCOP, you’ll find that cluster fifteen (as of today) has these elements:

1YBE_A A6U5X9 A6WV52 Q2KDT0 Q2YNV6 Q6G0X7 Q6G5H6 Q8UIS9 Q8YEP2 Q92S49 Q98D24 A1UUA2

In the above listing, 1YBE:A (PDB code) is the sole known PDB structure, while the remainder are putative TIM Barrels (uniprot codes) as determined by the HMM model from PFAM.

The enzyme 1YBE looks like this…1YBE_A

It’s an oddity because of the number of alpha-helices inserted within what is usually a hydrophobic beta barrel– the red pieces of ribbon should form a hollow cylinder, but it’s split apart for 1YBE and accommodates a bunch of cyan helices. Labeled in white are helices that break with the beta-alpha repeating secondary structural element (SSE) pattern by occurring before the first repeat. Labeled in green are breaks between beta-alpha SSE patterns.


Seetharaman, J., Swaminathan, S., Crystal Structure of a Nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase [To be Published]

Eddie Ma

October 28th, 2009 at 9:35 am