Ed's Big Plans

Computing for Science and Awesome

Archive for December, 2011

Fuzzy c-means for greylevel image segmentation

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Here’s a script I threw together to do grey-level segmentation using fuzzy c-means. This appeared as a small part of a project in the image processing course I took. The algorithm deployed was really a proof of concept meant to replicate and verify the results of another author — as such, I don’t recommend ever using fuzzy c-means for this task as it’s pretty inefficient. This software will handle any number of grey-level-segments you desire, but I recommend eight as a maximum.

The code and course project paper are originally dated April 20th, 2011.

>>> Download: FCMProjectPaper.pdf | FCMProject.tgz <<<

( Requires pypng — Python PNG encoder/decoder )

Here are the examples included in the above archive. I like pictures.

Sunny in 8-bit greyscale, 3-bit greyscale, 2-bit greyscale.

Auryo in 8-bit greyscale, 3-bit greyscale, 2-bit greyscale.

Enjoy 😀

Eddie Ma

December 20th, 2011 at 11:21 pm

My talk at Barcode of Life, Adelaide (2011)

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I’ve just finished my presentation in Adelaide. This is the first real biology-heavy conference I’ve been to. Sujeevan has brought me along with the BOLD team from BIO in order to present my work — and more importantly — to acquire some resolution about the barcoding culture and its biological significance. The Consortium for The Barcode of Life (CBOL) co-hosted this event with many biodiversity parties in Australia. Another huge group present was the International Barcode of Life (iBOL) project. The Barcode of Life Conference is held every other year and is attended by researchers interested in the concerted international barcoding effort. I presented my preliminary findings with a data analysis session and had excellent feedback — it’s pretty clear where to go next with my thesis! My talk describes the first steps to automating barcode (contig-like) assembly from ab1 sequencer trace files. This talk describes the present need for automation, trends that we can readily detect in currently assembled data and most importantly — detectable patterns in how human experts perform manual barcode assembly.

The full name of the conference is Fourth International Barcode of Life Conference.

>>> Download: ( pdf: EddieMaBOL2011Adelaide.pdf | zip: EddieMaBOL2011Adelaide.pdf.zip ) <<<

Slides 6, 16, 24 from my presentation — The need for automation; Compositional bias and human edits [null hypothesis]; Where are human edits occurring [in Lepidoptera]?

This has been a very enjoyable conference 😀

Eddie Ma

December 3rd, 2011 at 5:12 pm